Monday, 28 December 2009
Open Meeting – 4th January 2010
1. Apologies for Absence
2. Minutes of meeting on 2nd November
3. Matters Arising from the Minutes
4. Presentation on the Leatherhead-Triel twinning
by Paula Hancock.
5. Reports from sub Groups
a) Membership
b) Planning
c) Highways
6. Any Other Business
Saturday, 19 December 2009
Christmas & New Year Pharmacy opening times
Christmas Day : Friday 25 December 2009
12:00->13:00 - Ruxley Pharmacy,2 Ruxley Lane,Ewell, KT19 0JA Tel: 020 8393 2094
11:30->12:30 - Michael Frith,40 South Street, Dorking, RH4 2HQ. Tel: 01306 882728
12:00->13:00 - M & R Townsend, 1 Western Parade, Woodhatch, Reigate, RH2 8AU Tel: 01737 244926
13:00->14:00 - T H Dolman, 9 Linkfield Corner, Redhill, RH1 1BD Tel: 01737 761444
Boxing Day: Monday 28th December 2009
11:00->12:00 - Grove Pharmacy, 4 Grove Corner,Lowershott,Bookham, KT23 4LP,Tel: 01372 453293
10:00->17:00 - Boots Pharmacy, 57 The Ashley Centre, Epsom, KT18 5DB Tel: 01372 724423
9:00->18:00 - Sainsbury Pharmacy, Kiln Lane, Epsom, KT17 1EQ Tel: 01372 729318
9:00->17:30 - Boots the Chemist, 11 Swan Court, Leatherhead, KT22 8AN Tel: 01372 372751
10:00->16:00 - Boots the Chemist 34-36 High Street, Reigate, RH2 9AT Tel: 01737 242833
New Years Day: Friday 1st January 2010
10:00->17:00: Boots Pharmacy, 57 The Ashley Centre,Epsom, KT18 5DB Tel: 01372 724423
9:00->18:00: Sainsbury Pharmacy Kiln Lane Epsom, KT17 1EQ Tel: 01372 729318
10:00->16:00: Boots the Chemist 34-36 High Street, Reigate, RH2 9AT Tel: 01737 242833
Wednesday, 2 December 2009
Meetings: December and January
At 7.00pm in Room G6 of the Letherhead Institute:
All members are invited to our Christmas Social.
Monday, 4th January 2010
At 7.00pm in Room G6 of the Letherhead Institute:
Paula Hancock will give a presentation on the Triel-Leatherhead twinning.
Tuesday, 1 December 2009
Press: Ashtead & Leatherhead Local
In this months article, a Committee member writes about:
- the Expansion of the LRA
- The Leatherhead Conservation Areas
- Neighbourhood Watch
The Leatherhead Residents Association (LRA)
Neighbourhood Watch and LRA work together
Neighbourhood Watch. Both Neighbourhood Watch and the LRA have common goals of making Leatherhead a safer and better place to live. With common aims it makes sense to share the leg work as well. To this end Alan Berridge, the MVDC Neighbourhood Watch Coordinator, and our own road stewards and volunteers have leafleted selected streets that have proven more difficult to reach. Neighbourhood Watch needs volunteers to drop police reports on crime and safety into the letters boxes of their neighbours once a month. There is no financial obligation. The LRA needs a large, active membership. With our very affordable subscription fee (£2 annually or £5 for 3 years) this provides for an inexpensive team working to communicate with all and being there when a helping hand is required.
We look forward to Alan Berridge’s campaign to bring ‘NO COLD CALLING’ to Leatherhead. Some of us were disappointed when Leatherhead was not included in the last campaign which brought Ashtead, Bookham and Fetcham on board. In the new year we will be hearing more about this campaign that is closely linked with Trading Standards.
Best wishes for a happy and peaceful holiday season. Submitted by Cheryl Allen
Thursday, 26 November 2009
Two Hundred More Police Constables for Surrey
Information we would like to share with you.
We would like to share a message from our Chief Constable with you, which relates to potential changes at Surrey Police you may have heard through the local media.
Message from Surrey Police Chief Constable, Mark Rowley.
Surrey Police is developing plans to put large numbers of frontline police officers on the streets of Surrey, focused on tackling vital issues which mean the most to the public, such as anti-social behaviour and organised crime gangs. Our planning is at a very early stage, and Surrey Police Authority will be asked to agree interim plans on December 10 before more detailed work takes place.
I am very keen that as many local people as possible are made aware of our plans from myself, rather than through reporting in the local media, which is likely to only give an interpretation of our plans hence this email for your information.
In summary, we want to:
* Create up to 200 new police constable posts to improve the service we deliver. There will be more officers working in neighbourhood policing teams tackling anti-social behaviour, and more officers tackling cross border criminality and organised crime groups.
* There will be a greater range of places to meet neighbourhood policing teams (e.g. from libraries, shopping centres, council offices).
* We want to locate some of our neighbourhood policing teams within borough and district council offices to ensure a better overall service to the public in tackling local problems.
* We will be exploring replacing a number of police stations with better ways to access our services. Many of our police stations are old, costly to maintain and not particularly accessible to the vast majority of local communities - borne out by very low numbers of people visiting them. Instead we will provide a range of more accessible ways to meet your neighbourhood policing team.
* In order to invest in 200 additional constables we will be reducing the number of senior managers within Surrey Police and replace costly old police buildings with a range of better ways to access our services. It also ensures we are a financially sustainable force essential to ensure the best possible use of public money.
It will take a number of months to make the changes, and we want to work with communities to review the best way of meeting and engaging with neighbourhood policing teams. This is about providing people with an easy way to access policing services; whether it is over the phone, online or within their local community.
I have attached our press release, so you can see the facts from the Force directly.
Yours sincerely
Mark Rowley
Chief Constable
Surrey Police
Monday, 16 November 2009
Epsom Road - great planning
Thursday, 5 November 2009
Open Meetings
Future Meetings:
- Monday, 7th December 2009: Christmas Social
- Monday, 4th January 2010: Paula Hamilton will give a presentation on the Leatherhead-Triel Twinning.
Thursday, 29 October 2009
Leathehead Community Garden
The Leatherhead Community Garden project is now up and running. Details of the project can be found on their website: . If you want to learn more about organic growing then this is the place.
There are working parties every Saturday in October, November and December (excluding Christmas). All the work parties will start at 9am and finish around 3pm. Helpers are free to come along at anytime during these hours.
Topaz Musical Theatre presents Mainly Music Hall
Topaz Musical Theatre presents
Mainly Music Hall
Saturday 7 November 2.30 and 7.30pm
Fetcham Village Hall
Friday 13 November/Saturday 14th 7.30pm
Cobham Village Hall
Matinee £6 Evenings £9.50(includes a drink and light
BOX Office 01372 458163
From our proceeds this year we support Marie Curie Cancer
Care and Rainbow Trust Childrens Charity
Epsom Hospital Meeting 11th November 2009 7:30pm
Monday, 26 October 2009
Open Meeting, Monday 2nd November in the Letherhead Institute at 7.00 pm
1. Apologies for Absence
2. Minutes of meeting on 5th October
3. Matters Arising from the Minutes
4. "Campaigning to protect the Surrey Countryside"
- Tim Murphy, Chairman of CPRE Surrey Branch
5. Reports from sub Groups
a) Membership
b) Highways -
'Avenue of the Stars'
Other highway matters
c) Planning
6. Report of Ashtead-Leatherhead Area Forum on 15th October
7. Any Other Business
Friday, 16 October 2009
My impressions of the recent Leatherhead-Ashtead Forum
We did learn that in Mole Valley, it is 17.2% of the population that smokes - yes, we're far better than England as a whole & are even below the Surrey average. But here's the rub: whereas it's only 13.5% in leafy Leith Hill, it's a whopping 27.9% in North Leatherhead (that's above the average for England!). There was a bit of discussion afterwards about what to do in North Leatherhead - but, as far as I could make out, nothing about the underlying social problems that give rise to the problem in the first place.
Just over half an hour later, Allan Berridge updated us on Neighbour Watch and Sergeant Simon Cox gave police reports for North & South Leatherhead and for Ashtead.
By 8.44 we were ready to listen to the presentation: "Strong Leader/ Elected Mayor - which model?" Apparently, after introducing the current 'Executive model' in March 2008, the 2007 Act requires up to change this to either a "Strong Leader" or "Elected Mayor" model. Wait about! Didn't 2007 come before 2008? So if it was already known that we'd need to change to one of these two models, why did we bother to introduce the Executive model in 2008? Why not leave things as they were while we decided the model to go for?
Also, as I read the title of the talk I could not help wondering why a directly elected mayor was not a strong leader. In fact the more I heard, the more I wondered about the "strong" leader; this leader would be elected from the Councillors by the Councillors - in effect, it means, unless we have a hung Council, from the ruling party by the ruling party. Doesn't that make the "strong" leader a creature of the Council and probably of a political party as well? The powers and functions of both a directly elected mayor & of a Council elected "strong" leader would be much the same: "determine functions delegated to other Cabinet Members, committees of the Executive or officers; determine the size of the Executive; appoint/ remove Executive members." So who, dear reader, will be more effective: a Council elected leader or one elected directly by the people of Mole Valley?
It was also noted that the Council elected "strong" leader with his or her executive Cabinet is not so very different from the Executive model introduced in 2008. One of those present asked if in fact after the period of consultation (to conclude early in 2010 (How early?), the Council need take any notice of the findings. Could they not opt for their chosen model irrespective of consultation? There was no clear answer given. 'Um', I thought, 'why was the Executive model introduced in 2008?'
After this presentation the meeting was asked to vote on whether they wished to continue the present arrangement of electing a third of MVDC each time, as at present, or to have a singled election every four years to elect the whole Council in one go. Yes, folks, you've read aright! We were not asked for a straw poll on the "strong leader" ~ directly elected mayor business that we'd been discussing for nearly three quarters of an hour; we suddenly had sprung on us a straw poll on a different issue. It was pointed out by several members from the floor that we had not discussed the pros and cons of the present system vis-a-vis the one-off election, so what would be the validity of such a vote? What indeed!
By this time it was fast approaching 9.30, when we got to the next item: "Public Question Time." Our LRA planning officer was allowed to ask a question about the recent decision to allow Nos. 52-56 Church Street change of use from retail premises to restaurant. But after this had been answered, it was deemed that we had run over time and no more public questions could be asked. So much for consultation with the public!
How much consultation was there about matters to do with Leatherhead (or, indeed, Ashtead)? We learnt that more people smoke in North Leatherhead then the national average. We heard police reports that are made, in any case, at police panels in North & South Leatherhead and in Ashtead and, if I am not misaken, at the Leatherhead & District Forum. We heard about the "strong leader" ~ directly elected mayor business, which will affect the whole of Mole Valley. Then we were allowed one question only.
Which is a more genuine forum for real consultation: a Council controlled 'area Forum', or the Leatherhead & District Forum which has evolved from grass roots level over many years? Yet our Council refuses to recognize the latter.
If MVDC really wants to save money, why not scrap the Leatherhead-Ashtead and Bookham-Fetcham area fora, which the Residents' Associations never wanted in the first place, and have proper consultation at the Leaherhead & District Forum?
Thursday, 15 October 2009
Free vaccinations against seasonal flu are available for people aged 65 and over and for adults and children aged 6 months to 65 years in certain risk categories from October 2009.
Amid all the publicity surrounding swine flu, it is important not to under estimate the impact of seasonal flu. Every year it accounts for approximately 8,000 deaths. It can bring on serious complications for people in “at risk” groups and lead to other serious illnesses such as pneumonia.
In the average winter, up to 15% of the population will be affected.
All people aged 65 and over qualify for the free annual seasonal flu jab, and in addition adults and children aged six months to 65 years with the following conditions should also contact their GP for a free seasonal flu jab:
* a heart problem
* a chest complaint or breathing difficulties including, bronchitis, emphysema
* a kidney disease
* lowered immunity due to disease or treatment (such as steroid medication or cancer treatment)
* a liver disease
* had a stroke or a transient ischaemic attack (TIA)
* diabetes
* a neurological condition e.g. multiple sclerosis (MS) or cerebral palsy
* a problem with, or removal of, their spleen e.g. sickle cell disease.
The jab can never offer 100% protection from seasonal flu, but does have a success rate of between 70 and 80% while others are more likely to get milder symptoms.
Don’t forget, the seasonal flu jab does not protect against swine flu.
Patients with seasonal flu typically have a fever or a high temperature (over 38°C / 100.4°F) and two or more of the following symptoms:
• unusual tiredness
• headache
• runny nose
• sore throat
• shortness of breath or cough
• loss of appetite
• aching muscles
• diarrhoea and/or vomiting
In those circumstances you should stay at home, keep warm and rest, let a member of your family or friend know that you are ill, drink plenty of liquids and eat what you can. If you are in an at risk group or your symptoms get worse and you have chest pains or experience shortness of breath, you should contact your GP.
Seasonal flu peaks each winter between December and March, which is why the Department of Health and (insert your user group name if appropriate) is urging those in the at risk groups and those aged 65 and over to make sure they get their free jab now before flu starts to circulate.
Phone Scam
Please ensure you are aware of this scam as there have been a number of cases and its simplicity could easily fool people - some people might not even realise they have been tricked until it is too late and victims have given out their credit/debit card details.
Wednesday, 14 October 2009
Proposed revocation of existing, amendments to existing & provision of new waiting restrictions & on-street parking places in the Leatherhead area
This is the result of consultation exercises in certain roads earlier this years when the inhabitants of those roads were given the opportunity to comment on proposals made by the Council. To the best of my knowledge, the roads are:
Epsom Road, Oak Road, Linden Road, Leret Way, Garlands Road, Kingston Avenue, By-Pass Road, Oaks Close, Poplar Road, Randalls Road, Windfield, Kingston Avenue, Park Rise, Minchin Close.
A copy of the proposed Orders, together with plans showing the lengths of roads to which those Orders relate and a statement of the Council's reasons for proposing to make these Orders, together with a statement of the Council's Guidelines for the Acceptance of Objections to the Traffic Regulation Orders, may be inspected free of charge at the Help Shop in the High Street, at Leatherhead Library and at MVDC Administrative Centr, Pippbrook, Dorking.
Anyone wishing to object to the proposed Orders must send in the grounds for objection in writing to J Russell, Head of Surrey Highways, at County Hall in Kingston (quoting ref. 21684/MV/AK) by 12th November 2009.
There will be an opportunity to air views at our Open Meeting on Monday, 2nd November; the matter will also be discussed at our Committee Meeting on 4th November.
These proposals, if implemented (possibly with revision in some case) will no doubt improve matters in some roads; but many of us fear it will only push the problem into other roads. It is the opinionof many of us that a comprehensive review of the parking problems of the Leatherhead area as a whole is long overdue.
Tuesday, 13 October 2009
Annual Quiz Night Fundraiser - FRIDAY 16th OCTOBER 2009
.…. * N E W S F L A S H * …..
“Annual Quiz Night Fundraiser”
In support of the Leatherhead Christmas Festival
Police Federation of England and Wales
Federation House, Highbury Drive, Leatherhead, Surrey, KT22 7UY
Doors at 7 o’clock for Quiz Start at 7.30pm PROMPT
If you’ve a talent for trivia, now’s the perfect time to put it to good use !
TEAMS of SIX are invited to compete for the highest score in our Fundraising Quiz Night ... but don’t worry if you’d love to take part but can’t field a full team or would like to come along alone ... we’ll be delighted to introduce you to fellow competitors and make you part of a full team.
Entry Fee is £10 per person ... which includes a delicious Fish Supper !
Drinks may be purchased from the bar (please do not bring your own due to licensing regulations)
*PRIZE RAFFLE* tickets will be on sale, and the winning numbers will be drawn during the evening.
If you would like to donate a raffle prize, please contact Andy Newbold, Chamber Vice President,
on: 01372 383018 or via:
Please indicate by FRIDAY 9TH OCTOBER if you wish to attend by detaching & completing the slip below and then mailing it along with your cheque made payable to Leatherhead & District Chamber of Commerce for the attention of:
Mr John Hickey, Leatherhead Chamber President,
c/o Buchanan & Curwen, The Fairfield, Upper Fairfield Road, Leatherhead, Surrey, KT22 7HJ
[Please note that booking payments are non-refundable, and bookings will only be accepted when accompanied by full payment]
Monday, 12 October 2009
Mole Valley Arts Alive Festival
Don't forget that this year's Mole Valley Arts Alive festival is taking place right through this month.
If you've missed the first week, make up for it in the next three weeks!
There are many events taking place right here in Leatherhead; and other events not too far away. Many of your fellow residents are taking part in these events - give hem your support.
Don't know what's on? Take a look at
Wednesday, 30 September 2009
Open Meeting, Monday 5th October in the Letherhead Institute at 7.00 pm
1. Apologies for Absence
2. Minutes of meeting on 7th September
3. Matters Arising from the Minutes
4. "Leatherhead as it was - How do we preserve it?"
a presentation by Linda Heath, local historian & author
5. Reports from sub Groups
a) Membership
b) Planning
c) Highways
6. Report of Civic Trust South East Conference in Guildford on 26th September
7. Any Other Business
Monday, 28 September 2009
Article from the Ashtead & Leatherhead Local
The Knoll roundabout works have come about as a result of a parent whose daughter was nearly knocked down whilst walking round the corner by Pegasus Court. This was rather a blind corner, and one where vehicles turning left were often tempted to drive over the kerb whilst squeezing past those which were queuing to drive on into Ashtead. In the past promises had been made by Highways to install high kerbs or cast iron ‘bell’ bollards, but nothing was done (no money, being the reason given). The LRA supported Sally Edward’s campaign to get something done. When Section 106 funds became available as a result of Unilever’s new head office, scheme was rushed out, perhaps with undue haste. Some of the work appears to be rather wasteful. For example a new footway down the side of the bypass to the footbridge which links Linden Gardens to Grange Road, in Ashtead. Since crossing the bypass has never been much of a problem, this footway does nothing to avoid the Pegasus Court Corner, which still has to negotiated. Members who frequently use is roundabout found a few other matters where some improvements might be helpful – mostly in terms of signage and road markings. These are being reported to Highways. But in general the scheme met with approval and gratefulness that it was being carried out at last. All credit must go to Sally for her tenacity, in the matter.
At our last meeting we were delighted to welcome Rod Shaw, who is the Senior Planning and Conservation officer in Mole Valley Council. Rod explained how the Council’s Planning policies were applied to the Conservation areas. In particular he listed the many buildings in Leatherhead which need to be conserved, together with their settings. At a time when there is much controversy about the future of the central streets of the Town, this was a very informative talk.
In addition to our monthly open meetings, the committee have been very active in attending and contributing to other meetings held by related organisations including the Campaign for the Preservation of Rural England, and the Public Examination of the Council’s proposed Local Development (Planning) Framework. The former Leatherhead Society derived much benefit from its membership of the Civic Trust. This organisation has been undergoing some trauma , but at least in this part of the country, it is re-emerging, and our representatives will be attending a meeting in Guildford on behalf of our members.
The Chairman
Tuesday, 22 September 2009
Anyone spot whats wrong with this ?
Did they get planning permission for this ?
Saturday, 19 September 2009
Ashtead-Leatherhead Area Forum Agenda
If you would like to view previous agendas, minutes, presentations and information relating to the Forum, please click on the link below:-
Meeting of: Ashtead - Leatherhead Area Forum
To be held in: the Christ Church Hall, Epsom Road, Leatherhead, KT22 8ST
On: Thursday 15th October at 7.30pm
District Councillors of the Ashtead – Leatherhead Area Forum:
Sylvia Sharland (Chairman), Bridget Lewis-Carr (Vice-Chairman), Bryan Davis, Rosemary Dickson, Bob Hedgeland, Penny Hedgeland, David Howell, Chris Hunt, John Northcott, Chris Reynolds, David Sharland and Chris Townsend.
County Councillors Tim Hall and Chris Townsend, Ashtead Residents’ Association, Leatherhead Residents’ Association, NHS Surrey and Surrey Police
Chairman’s Invitees:
Ashtead Village Traders’ Association, Proprietor of Bartons Bookshop, Leatherhead Area Partnership, Leatherhead Community Association, Leatherhead and District Chamber of Commerce, Leatherhead Town Centre Manager, The Swan Centre Manager, Surrey County Council – Area Director East
1. Welcome by the Chairman
2. Minutes
To approve as a correct record the minutes of the last meeting of the Forum held on 9th July 2009.
3. Apologies for Absence
To receive apologies for absence.
4. Chairman’s Item – Stop Smoking Campaign
To receive a presentation from Helen Thurlow, who runs the stop smoking campaign for the Primary Care Trust.
5. Police Update
To receive updates from the Neighbourhood Watch Manager, Alan Berridge and Sergeant Simon Cox.
6. Strong Leader / Elected Mayor – which model ?
The Local Government and Public Involvement in Health Act 2007 makes provision for new governance arrangements for all Councils including:-
- A directly elected Mayor
- Strong Leader Model
Mole Valley District Council is required to move to one or other of these two models and wishes to consult with local residents and stakeholders to seek their views. The Leader of the Council, together with representatives from Democratic Services will be in attendance to provide further information and canvass views from those attending the Forum.
7. Public Question Time
To receive public questions at this meeting. Fifteen minutes will be set aside for this purpose.
8. Dates of future Area Forums Meetings
The next meetings of the Ashtead – Leatherhead Area Forum will be held on:-
Thursday 21st January 2010, in the Ashtead Peace Memorial Hall, (Ralli Room),
Woodfield Lane, commencing at 7.30pm
Thursday 22nd April 2010, in the Green Room, Leatherhead Theatre, commencing at
If you require a copy of this agenda, any of the reports within it or a large print version of the agenda, please telephone Arabella Davies on 01306 879137 or
Tuesday, 15 September 2009
The Leatherhead Theatre 40th Birthday Party! Thursday September 17th @ 7:30pm
The Leatherhead Theatre 40th Birthday Party!
Thursday September 17th @ 7:30pm
"Continuously funny and utterly unique" The Guardian.
Celebrity comedian Tim Vine is the latest to be confirmed in a star-studded line-up for Leatherhead Theatre’s 40th birthday gala night.
Tim joins Bobby TV funnyman Bobby Davro, West End star and ex-Thorndike favourite Mike Holoway and a host of names and local talent to celebrate this wonderful occasion.
The bill also includes the fabulous Mike Berry & The Outlaws, Leatherhead’s own Danceshack, swing sensation Lewis Dixon, Ceolsha (ex-Riverdance dancers) and the ever-popular Guildford School of Acting Singers.
A fantastic night out for all the family!
To help the party mood we want you to bring your friends. We are offering a special birthday group deal of one free ticket for every five booked.
Tickets cost £25 (or buy 5 tickets and get the 6th free) and the dress code is formal – black tie is optional.
To book your tickets call the Box Office on 01372 365141 or visit
Many Thanks,
Best Regards
The Leatherhead Theatre
Thursday, 27 August 2009
Speakers at Open Meetings
The following will speak at the October & November meetings:
- Monday, 5th October - Linda Heath, local historian & author of several books dealing with local history of the area
- Monday, 2nd November - Tim Murphey (CPRE Surrey)
All meetings are held in the Letherhead Institute and begin at 7.00 pm
Agenda for Meeting on 7th September 2009
2. Minutes of meeting on 3rd August
3. Matters Arising from the Minutes
4. Rod Shaw, Principal Conservation Officer MVDC -
“Leatherhead: Creating a Sense of Place”
5. Reports from sub Groups
a) Planning
b) Highways.
6. Any Other Business
Monday, 24 August 2009
Bikeathon on Sunday September 20th
The Queen Elizabeth's Foundation holding a Bikeathon on Sunday September 20th from QEF in Woodlands Road Leatherhead and returning there after a pleasant ride around the Surrey Downs. First groups start at 9:45am.
With the emphasis on fitness and reducing the number of cars on the road this could be the opportunity you have been looking for with the charity also benefitting.
Please go to
Thursday, 20 August 2009
Leisure Centre - Progress to Date
The main building ...
Sunday, 16 August 2009
Hidden History
Saturday, 15 August 2009
Boots the Chemist 10.30am to 4.30pm
57 The Ashley Centre
Epsom, KT18 5DB
01372 724423
Sainsbury’s Pharmacy 9.00am to 6.00pm
Kiln Lane,
Epsom, KT17 1EQ
01372 729318
Boots the Chemist 10.00am to 4.00pm
69-71 High Street
Dorking, RH4 1AW
01306 882467
Boots the Chemist 10.00am to 4.00pm
11 Swan Court
Leatherhead, KT22 8AN
01372 372751
For your local pharmacy’s opening times, or for details of pharmacies outside the PCT area, please visit or contact NHS Direct on 0845 46 47
Wednesday, 29 July 2009
Agenda – Open Meeting – 3rd August 2009
2. Minutes of meeting on 6th July 2009
3. Matters Arising in the Minutes
4. Roadworks at the Knoll Roundabout and associated Roads:
Discussion on Plans and other documents provided by Surrey County Council.
5. Reports from sub Groups
a) Planning
b) Highways (Parking Restrictions,etc.)
6. Any Other Business
Saturday, 25 July 2009
Surrey County Council Road Information
Sunday, 5 July 2009
Agenda – Open Meeting – 6th July 2009
2. Minutes of meeting on 1st June 2009
3. Matters Arising in the Minutes
4. Historical Notes on Leatherhead – Linda Heath
5. Sources of funding for Municipal Projects – Colin Langley
6. Committee Notices –
a) Hilary Porter is to be Vice Chairman, and Ray Brown to be Secretary
b) Code of Conduct
7. Reports from sub Groups
a) Planning – Council for Protection of Rural England
b) Highways – Changes in SCC Staff – Knoll Roundabout, Parking Restrictions,etc.
6. Any Other Business
Saturday, 4 July 2009
Ashtead-Leatherhead Area Forum 9th July 2009
Please click on the following link to view the agenda:-
Tuesday, 23 June 2009
Leatherhead Duck Race 28th June 2009
Leatherhead's Annual Duck Race is on Sunday 28 June on the River Mole by the bridge in Bridge St Leatherhead. It starts at 2.00 with lots of fun for all the family from ages 2 - 102!!
There will be 6 individual races, a final (all the winners from those 6 races) and a mass duck race at the end when hundreds of little yellow ducks are released into the river. The first few over the finishing line win prizes.
Place your bets on your favourite ducks and hopefully win some money. Ducks for the mass race will be on sale in the Swan Centre at £1.00 each on Thursdays and Saturdays starting on 11 June.
There will be a children's entertainer on site and ice creams for sale.
Please call 01372 376358 or 363652 for more details.
Leatherhead Safety Day: Thursday 2nd July 10.00 to 15.00hrs Leatherhead Town Centre
- The Safer Neighbourhood Team: The Local Police Officers giving advice on crime reduction and getting to know your local officers
- Neighbourhood Watch Manager Support in the Community a group of NHW Co-ordinators
- The Samaritans volunteers Helping people by listening and supporting
- Pitstop drop in centre for the homeless
- The Night Hostel accommodation for the homeless
- Victim Support supporting for victims of crime
- Mid Surrey Mediation help communication between neighbours to asset in resolving issues
- FORCETEN disability scooters and aids to help people who have disabilities get out and about
- Casualty Reduction Police traffic issues and road safety issues
- Buchanan & Curwen Security in the home and business
- Building Supplies security aids for the home and business
- Community Speed Watch and Speed Watch Volunteers
- RSPCA advice on health and safety for animals FREE chipping + for cats and dogs. Mole Valley Dog Warden advice on care for animals and where to take stray animals
- Surrey Fire & Rescue GREEN WATCH fire safety advice with fire engine
- Community Alarm Caroline Steel safety in the home
- Help Shop Mole Valley Council here to help you
- Citizens Advice Bureau advice services to help you
- Trading Standards and Consumer Direct trading advice to help you
- Surrey Ambulance Service an ambulance first aid advice and ambulance and a car
- Dyno Secure security advice and aids for the home, business and bicycles
- Surrey Police Vehicles van, car and bicycles Local Police Officers showing you their police vehicles
This event has been arranged to create better links between Police, Partners and people in our community
Sunday, 14 June 2009
British Science Festival 5-10 September 2009.
The British Science Festival (formerly the BA Festival of Science) is one of Europe's largest science festivals, taking place each September. The Festival is in a different location in the UK each year, bringing you the latest in science, technology and engineering.
Our week long, jam-packed programme offers the biggest celebration of science, engineering and technology in Europe. With loads of events for everyone, thousands of people join us for talks, plays, debates, hands-on activities and more. This year the Festival is hosted by the University of Surrey in Guildford from 5-10 September with events taking place across Surrey.
See British Science Association website for more details ....
Surrey community petitions Prime Minister to back Surrey Police over cap
Community leaders in Surrey turned out in force today to back calls for the Prime Minister to reverse Hazel Blears' decision to cut the Surrey Police's budget.
Around 50 local people - including the local MP Jeremy Hunt, councillors and community-leaders joined forces at a meeting in Farnham to throw their weight behind the Surrey Police Authority's (SPA) fight to challenge cuts that would result in the loss of 50 frontline operational posts.
They agreed to petition the Prime Minister to reverse the capping order, which would cost £1.2m in rebilling to cut the Surrey Police budget by £1.6m.
The audience, at The Old Court House, Farnham was addressed by Chief Constable Mark Rowley and the Authority chairman Peter Williams who explained the implications of the capping decision on the resilience of the Force and Authority, and the severe operational impact it will have, unless the Government decision is reversed.
A letter from Sir Ray Tindle, who runs the Tindle Newspapers Group, will nowbe sent on behalf of all those present at the meeting to Prime Minister Gordon Brown - who yesterday vowed to protect front-line policing from cuts - urging him to personally intervene in the matter. The Authority has also written to the new Communities Secretary, John Denham, and the new Home
Secretary, Alan Johnson requesting urgent meetings.
It was confirmed last month that the then Communities Secretary Hazel Blears intended to force Surrey Police Authority to reduce its precept level of Council Tax in 2009/10 and re-bill Surrey residents. This is despite Surrey being one of the most efficient and best-performing forces in the country.
Shahid Malik MP, Minister for Local Government, pledged his commitment to continue with the capping measures during a debate with Surrey MPs in Westminster Hall earlier this week, despite hearing how Surrey Police Authority already has the lowest expenditure per Band D property of any Police Authority in the country - being described by the Audit Commission as 'providing excellent value for money to the taxpayer'.
This capping and rebilling process will cost £1.2m to carry out to return £1.6m to the taxpayer. This budget reduction is forcing the Chief Constable to cut 35 operational police officer and 15 operational staff posts in addition to the 144 staff posts already lost under an extremely tough budget for 2009/10 - a total of 194.
As part of the fight to get the Government to reverse its decision to cap the Authority, an application for a Judicial Review has now been lodged with the High Court. The Police Authority is awaiting confirmation of a date for this to be heard.
This week, ten Surrey MPs took part in a debate at Westminster, called by Sir Paul Beresford the MP for Mole Valley, during which they were outspoken in their criticism of the plan to inflict the budget cut.
Police Authority Chair Peter Williams said: "It is a sad situation that we have been forced to apply for a Judicial Review but as the Government has repeatedly refused to meet with us to try and resolve the situation in a sensible way that serves the best interests of Surrey, we have been left with no other choice. This decision defies financial logic - it will return less than a penny a day to the average Band D Surrey household, but will result in significant and permanent cuts to the number of police officers protecting their communities. We cannot allow this madness to go unchallenged.
"The Government refuses to explain how capping decisions are made and they refuse to confirm exactly what the capping criteria for the year are until after budgets are set and Council Tax bills sent out. This is not how public services should be run, and this is why we have been forced into this kind of time consuming and costly action."
Chief Constable Mark Rowley said: "I am immensely grateful to the people who gave up their free time to attend this meeting and support Surrey Police and Surrey Police Authority because they value and have confidence in their local policing and do not want it to deteriorate.
"I am also grateful to Sir Ray Tindle for organising the meeting, which is so important in allowing local people a voice to express their support.
"My duty as Chief Constable is, first and foremost, to keep the public safe and maintain their confidence and trust. A reduction in our budget will erode the service we can deliver to local people, and capping is leading me to cut 50 key operational posts to balance the budget. This is not a step I want to take, and I am relieved that the Authority, and local people, are
fighting these cuts."
MP Jeremy Hunt said: "People in my constituency have been delighted with the improvements in policing in recent years, particularly neighbourhood policing, which has made a real difference in some of the most challenging areas. It will be an unspeakable tragedy if Surrey Police was rewarded for this success by having to cut back on frontline policing."
Sir Ray Tindle, who organised the event, said: "We are 100 percent behind the Police Authority and the Chief Constable of Surrey in this fight."
There has been an overwhelming response to Surrey Police's plight so far from partner agencies, businesses and the county's residents. Both the Force and the Authority have received requests from individuals and groups across the county asking what help they can give in support of our challenge.
In addition, a petition on Surrey Police Authority's website protesting against the Government's decision to cap the budget has attracted more than 6,000 signatures in the space of two weeks.
Not sure why the petition is not on the Number 10 site.
Build Center to Consolidate Leatherhead Sites
If you are a user of the Build Center, then you may have not heard the rumour that:
"The Kingston Road site is supposed to be closing down and moving clients/materials to Garlands Road. The site will NOT be enlarged just centralising the business. NO planning permission is required for this move."
Wednesday, 10 June 2009
Code of Conduct
Tuesday, 9 June 2009
Polesden Lacey Shakespeare
Polesden Lacey Shakespeare will present four performances of ‘A Midsummer Night’s Dream’ in the idyllic surroundings of Polesden Lacey ,Bookham on the glorious summer afternoons of Sat 11th, Sun 12th , Sat 18th and Sunday 19th starting at 3 pm. Even the weather forecasters predict a long hot summer to bless our efforts.
A superb cast of local actors have been recruited and are hard at work rehearsing. The production is directed and adapted by Margaret Hunter to make it accessible to all audience members young or old, with entertainment before and during the interval.
Join friends and family in what will be a memorable event. Bring a picnic and relax in the elegant parkland. Get your tickets now to avoid delays when the gates to our theatre area are opened at 2 pm. We are providing entertainment before the performance and you would not want to miss this. At such events we know that audience members like to bring their own seating. Could we ask that such seating is normal height so as not to interfere with other’s enjoyment? A limited amount of seating will be available on site.
The distinguished actor, Richard Briers CBE has kindly agreed to become our patron. We look forward to seeing him at one of our productions.
The National Trust is waiving car park charges for those attending the production. Why not take the opportunity of visiting the house, restaurant and shops and make a perfect summer’s day?
Tickets available for Dorking Hall Box Office 01306 881717 or
Monday, 8 June 2009
Your HIgh Street Leatherhead
Preferred option
When you meet on Tuesday you will perhaps ask yourself the question:
"Did the Counsel get its preferred option for the High St correct?"
I had to read the minutes of the Ashtead/Leatherhead Forum to find that the Council's PREFERRED OPTION for the Leatherhead High Street was the licensing of the Public Highway to local restaurants for the placement of tables and chairs to create a SMOKING AREA for diners. The concept of extending hours for outside dining was occasionally mentioned at meetings but not in relationship with term 'preferred option'. For years I have attended public meetings and heard counsellors and representatives of Leatherhead Area Partnership(LAP) and the Leatherhead Residents' Association(LRA) deplore the condition of the surface of the High Street. Long lists of the unsafe and unsightly areas of the pavement have been made on several occasions by counsellors. The LAP was convinced that the only way forward was to take a comprehensive look at the entire area and to remove clutter, repair pavements and in general make the Public Highway a safer more attractive place to be. To this end, Di Stirling, Chair of the LAP Highways Group, wrote a comprehensive report stating her recommendations.
Beyond this every aspect of the project seems to be shrouded in secrecy. Colin Langley did report to the Committee of the Residents' Association in January that the Council had plans for the High Street. When some concern was voiced he had no details to report. I now believe he thought there would be a public consultation before the preferred option became an accepted concept.
In May David Sharland reported to the LRA's General Meeting that plans for the redevelopment of the High Street would be unveiled at the May meeting of the Leatherhead/Ashtead Forum. We were assured that 'all will be revealed'. At this same LRA meeting a proposal for the extension of hours to have chairs on the Public Highway in front of Wetherspoon's was discussed. Of particular concern were the number of times the licensing board have had to deal with the pub, the litter outside, the comments their customers made to passersby, and the harassment of disabled people were listed as objections to extended hours. In spite of these strong objections, a vote of 11 to 7 was in favour of extended hours if several firm conditions were in place.The implication for safety of pedestrians was not considered before this vote. Further examination of the Wetherspoon's proposal made me aware that the Leader of the Council had written to 5 Leatherhead pubs and restaurants suggesting they seek permission to extend hours diners could sit on the High Street in order to boost the night economy. At a time when night time trade in Leatherhead seems to be quite good and morning and afternoon trade in Leatherhead seems almost nonexistent, it would appear preferential to favour pubs and restaurants over the struggling shops. It was almost unbelievable to read in the minutes of the Ashted /Leatherhead Forum that this has been MVDC'S 'preferred option' since November. Cllr. Hunt's statement about extended hours for placement of tables on the High Street actually made no sense. He said at the 11th May meeting that extending the placement of chairs would help boost trade for local shops. I spoke to him after the meeting to correct this misconception: You cannot increase footfall to shops when they are in fact closed. This nonsense appeared in the minutes to the Ashtead /Leatherhead Forum and also in the Leatherhead Advertiser.
Some of us have thought for years that trade to both restaurants and shops would be boosted if cars were allowed on the High Street after 4:30 (a return to what the Civic Trust recommended to help the failing economy of Leatherhead in their 1990 report on our town). This use of the highway was considered a compromise that many of us found quite helpful.
Unfortunately, SCC's failure to enforce the pedestrianization of the High Street between 10:00 and 4:30 for a 6-year period led to having the compromise disappear. It makes perfect sense to think that a parent who was allowed to conveniently park in Leatherhead would stop after school, before the shops close at 5:00, `and be tempted to buy a meal for her children at one of the restaurants.
The truth is that on 11th May 'All was not Revealed'
We all patiently sat through two long presentations (55 and 40 minutes) with the High Street-unveiling pushed to the last position. With 5 minutes of scheduled time Cllr. Hunt informed us that SCC's Highway Department required a barrier to protect customers seated at tables. A four-foot high prototype was on display. It looked something like a cage and we were told that it was to be purchased, decorated and maintained by the restaurant owner. It would be an appalling addition to any High Street but particularly so considering how narrow our High Street is and how many possible restaurants (we were told 8) would be eligible to purchase the barriers. With the potential for 8 restaurants to decorate in their own colour and style the possibility for grossness became even more palpable.
What we were not told was what would happen to the pedestrians when they were displaced by the barriers into the paths of cars and trucks that are allowed onto the High Street after 4:30. Only one surface on the Public Highway was designed for pedestrians. That is the pavement closest to the building that now provides a location for placing chairs and tables after 10 and before 4:30. This period does not cause a huge problem for pedestrians because they move into the centre of the road. The surface is far from perfect for walking because of the irregular bricks but it is much superior to the craggy bricks used to designate parking spaces. The centre of the road also puts pedestrians at a distance from smokers who are more likely to use outdoor seating. At its best the roadway is unsafe for walking because it has not been properly maintained by SSC. The campaign to remove chewing gum has caused further damage because of the use of pressure sprayers. I spoke to a lifetime Leatherhead resident yesterday who reported that she had helped 3 people off the pavement due to falls in the last 2 weeks. She said in principle she was against the concept of sueing for damages, but that her advice now is to 'sue the council.' I certainly expected that the plans for the redevelopment of the High Street would have at its core a scheme for improving the surface of the High Street. You cannot talk sensibly about the placement of chairs on the High Street before you know how the surface will change. Only rumours have informed of the possible ways of dealing with the poor maintenance the High Street has experienced. I have not heard of a single method that will work. The one mentioned most often is the use of asphalt. You only have to look to London to see what happens to asphalt when it is applied over brick. The use of brick was a expensive option to make a High Street in a conservation area different from any backstreet in the country. It is a shame that subtle differences in colour were not used instead of the differences in texture that are now contributing to the number of falls on the High Street.
It will take the wisdom of Solomon and an enormous budget to sort out Leatherhead's High Street. Extending seating hours in front of restaurants and pubs is not the answer and will only cause more problems in the long and short term. Although many people may desire to see chairs on the High Street, we must ask ourselves whether this is a wise and practical option. I am told it works all over Europe. Unfortunately, we do not have Europe's climate or weather. Estrellas has had chairs in front of its restaurant permanently for over a year. If tables are the answer to a restaurant's success, Estrellas should be the busiest restaurant on the High Street. Unfortunately, this is not true. I have not seen anyone sitting in front of Estrellas in
months. Perhaps they are waiting for a sunny, summer evening. At the Ashtead and Leatherhead Forum there was an outcry to proclaim, 'We have not been consulted.' The chairman of the LRA, Hubert Carr, spoke at length to defend the right for consultation at a much earlier point in the development of Planning Strategy for our Town . The LRA has the membership and communications network for polling its members and getting significant feedback. Even Colin Langley, who is he declared 'Champion of the High Street', stated that he has not been consulted.
If the local residents' had been consulted last November, we would have had a very different preferred option. If the outcry at the Ashtead and Leatherhead Forum had been heard, a representative of the LAP and LRA would be attending Tuesday's meeting. At the Council's expense after the last High Street fiasco, a report by Dr.Whitelegg came to the conclusion that: Consultation in Leatherhead is severely lacking. Years later nothing has improved. The scheme for the 'water' feature at the west end of the High Street was determined by a few councillors including the Leader, representatives from SCC and MVDC, and a few planning officers with some 106 money to spend on the most controversial area of Leatherhead' the High Street. This process tore our town apart. On 26 May there will be a meeting of a few councillors including the leader,representatives from SCC and MVDC, and a few planning officers with 106 money to spend on the most controversial area of Leatherhead, the High Street.
It is time for change. Consult the residents earlier in the Planning Process so they can make a difference.
Wednesday, 3 June 2009
The Big Lunch - Sunday 19th July 2009
It's being advertised on TV at the moment by MasterCard and Eden Project and has Local Government, Post Office and EDF backing.
Each community can register their Big Lunch on the follwing website -
Tuesday, 2 June 2009
River Mole Discovery Day - Sunday 7th June
More details on the MVDC Website
Friday, 29 May 2009
Surrey Police Authority Fights Budget Cuts
Agenda – Open Meeting – 1st June 2009
Agenda – Open Meeting – 1stJune 2009
at the Letherhead Institute, 7pm
1. Apologies for Absence
2. Minutes of meeting on May 2009
3. Matters Arising in the Minutes
4. The Theatre, Past and Future – an illustrated talk by Simon Fielder, Artistic Director.
5. Reports from sub Groups
a) Planning – The Core Strategy Inquiry
b) Highways – LRA submission to MVDC, and response
6. Any Other Business
Wednesday, 20 May 2009
Monday, 11 May 2009
Agenda for tonight's meeting?
Last Minutes
Matters Arising
Police Report (and clarification on future reports)
Open Discussion on Seating in the High Street
Any other business
I hope the Association can give more advanced notice next month!
Thursday, 30 April 2009
Leatherhead Advertiser reporter raising money for cancer charity
Leatherhead Advertiser reporter David Blackmore is raising money for a bowel cancer charity to help schoolchildren and their parents in South Africa.
He will be taking part in the Bobby Moore Fund’s Project South Africa, which will see volunteers heading out to the African country in March 2010 to renovate a dilapidated school and a football pitch in partnership with the local population.
The project will give the local children and their parents the chance to continue their education in their own village, close to their families, rather than being obliged to move away.
The 22-year-old will be hosting many fundraising events throughout the year and will have a football-themed stall at Ashtead Village Day on June 20.
The West Ham fan is hoping to raise more than £4,000 to go towards the project and also to bowel cancer research.
He said: “With the project taking place next year it makes my fundraising effort even more poignant as in summer of 2010 there will be a little competition called the World Cup in South Africa.
“As I am sure you are aware, one of Bobby Moore’s biggest claims to fame is being the only England captain to have lifted the World Cup.”
To make a donation visit and for more information about the project e-mail or call 01306 88 66 90.
In addition, David would also like to hear from local business who are interested in helping him and maybe hold their own fundraising event.
Tuesday, 28 April 2009
South East Surrey Community Pharmacy - May Bank Holiday Rota
Bank Holiday Pharmacy Cover for both May Holidays (4th & 25th) are as follows:
Boots the Chemist 10.00am – 4.00pm
11 Swan Court
Leatherhead, KT22 8AN
Thursday, 23 April 2009
Ashtead-Leatherhead Forum
"Sustainability in the Home" was competently presented by Graeme Kane. Is he doing this for each Area Forum? Anyone interested in sustainability can go to the MVDC website:
Then we were told about the refurbishment and management of the Leisure Centre. This went on and on and on; the presentation was rambling and not always easy to follow (or hear) - the main thing I learnt from the long and tedious presentation was that MVDC seems to be the only District Council in this area that's offering free swimming to the over-60s. No doubt this presentation was made here because it is realized that people from Ashtead use the Leisure Centre as well people from Leatherhead. But, hey, don't we ever get people from Fetcham or Bookham as well?
As it was getting late by this time, it was thought that the Police report should be made at this stage, since Leatherhead High Street could wait (Where have I heard that sentiment before?). But weren't we in effect, hearing what's reported, probably in greater detail, at the Ashtead, North Leatherhead & South Leatherhead police pannels?
Anyway, somewhere around 9.20 we came to "Leatherhead High Street"! I waited expectantly to see the plan the Council had for its latest refurbishment of the High Street, since at our AGM in March I recalled "All be revealed on the 22nd April." Was all revealed? Was it like as heck! There was no overall plan presented; no detail of where seating areas or parking bays would be. As I understood it, each restaurant will have to apply separately for planning permission if it wants to retain outside seating after 4.30 pm - in other words, a piecemeal approach yet again.
An audience member from Ashtead pointed out that Leatherhead High street was of interest not only to residents of Leatherhead but also to those of Ahtead, Fetcham & Bookham as people from these places frequently come into Leatherhead to shop. That, said the Chair, is why it is being discussed at the Ashtead-Leatherhead Forum. But the cries of 'What about Fetcham & Bookham' were ignored.
But that is the point, isn't it. This is something of interest to residents of all these places. Would not the more appropriate Forum for discussing this be the "Leatherhead and District Forum" (formerly the "Town Centre Forum')? Yet the Council refuse to acknowledge that Forum. Is the Council afraid that it might learn what people really want from that Forum?
Why must we have the Bookham-Fetcham and Ashtead-Leatherhead Fora thrust on us? Very few, if any, in the north of Mole Valley wanted these Area Fora. Why cannot the MVDC consult directly with each of the four Residents' Associations on matters affecting each community, and take part in the Leatherhead & District Forum on matters of common interest to the whole of the north Mole Valley area.