Dear Reader
Garage Watch is a new incentive created by local officers in Mole Valley North. There has been an increase in offences where petrol is taken from petrol stations without payment being made. We are creating a link between local police and petrol stations aimed at sharing information on vehicles used in these crimes and people committing the offences.
We received a report from residents about drunken parties which became out of hand and of anti-social behaviour in the Linden Road and Lime Close areas of Leatherhead South. Following further enquires we created links and liaised with partners from the local housing team to resolve issues. The unwanted visitors were moved off the site and the building is now secure awaiting the return of the tenant.
A Panel Meeting is where members of the community can come along and meet their local police officers and their partner agencies. There you can find out what is happening in your area, and more importantly you have the opportunity to give your point of view about local policing or services and voice your concerns.
We are lucky to have the opportunity to work together in partnership with the Leatherhead Residents and share the same meeting which is on the first Monday of every month at 7:00pm in The Institute, at the top of the High Street.
Please do come along, everybody is welcome.
The Safer Neighbourhood Team are contacted on a regular basis by residents who wish to discuss general road improvements such as yellow lines, hatchings, road widening, signage, footpaths etc. Surrey County Council Highways Department are responsible for all of these issues and not the Police; their phone number is 0300 200 1003. The Safer Neighbourhood Team cannot enforce parking on yellow lines - this is carried out by the Traffic Wardens from Mole Valley District Council, phone number 01306 885001. If you have a problem with cars parking in a dangerous position or causing an obstruction then this is an issue for the Police and it needs to be reported to us to deal with. However it may be wise to report ongoing parking issues to Highways or your Local Councillor who may be able to seek a long term solution. Road improvements will not be implemented unless residents and road users raise the problem in the first place.
If you feel that there is a problem with excess speed in a particular road in Leatherhead then this needs to be reported to PCSO Peter Yard who is the Casualty Reduction PCSO for Mole Valley. He can then arrange for a traffic survey and consult with Highways to discuss potential road improvements and solutions.
If you are interested in a Speed Watch scheme then please contact PCSO Yard for more information - his details are on the Mole Valley page.
PCS Fran DAVEY, Gaynor GROUT and PCSO Hermione PILBROW
Neighbourhood Watch 01483 638125
Consumer Direct 0845040506
Only call 999 in a genuine emergency requiring police attendance.
For all non-emergency policing matters and to speak to your local officers please call 0845 125 2222
For more information please visit our website: www.surrey.police.uk/molevalley
E-Mail: davey3239@surrey.pnn.police.uk grout2056@surrey.pnn.police.uk
Address: 27-29 Kingston Avenue, Leatherhead, Surrey, KT22 7HY
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