Saturday, 23 April 2011

Annual General Meeting Monday, 9th May 2011 Leatherhead Institute at 7.30 pm

1. Apologies for absence
2. Minutes of the AGM held on 10th May 2010
3. Matters arising from the Minutes.
4. Chairman’s Report
5. Treasurer’s Report
6. Amendment of Constitution:
i.To append ", or otherwise with the approval of the Executive Committee" to clause 3 (Membership), so that the clause will read:

Membership shall be open to anyone aged 18 or over and residing in the area of benefit who supports the objects of the Association, or otherwise with the approval of the Executive Committee.

ii.To change "EIGHT" in the first sentence of Clause 7 (The Executive Committee) to "FOUR" so that the sentence will read:

The Executive Committee of the Association, referred to above and hereinafter as “the Committee,” to whom the general management of the Association’s affairs shall be entrusted, shall consist of the Officers and not less than FOUR and not more than SIXTEEN other members of the Association.

7. That the monthly meetings of the Association shall normally be open Committee meetings.
(This is explained in the Spring Newsletter.)
8. Election of Officers: Chair, Vice-Chair, Treasurer, Secretary
(Officers in 2010 were: Hubert Carr, Hilary Porter, Paula Sabine, Ray Brown)
9. Election of Committee members
(Members in 2010 were: Cheryl Allen, Fran Barnby-Smith, Caroline Brown, Ann Cardew, Flip Cargill)
10. Reports from sub-groups
(a) Membership
(b) Environment
(b) Planning
(c) Highways
11. Summer Newsletter
12. Any Other Business

Friday, 1 April 2011

Singing Surrey: Leatherhead’s New Community Choir

This spring residents in North Leatherhead are invited to get involved in a new community choir organised by Mole Valley District Council and Arts Partnership Surrey. The choir has been set up as part of the county-wide ‘Singing Surrey’ community arts project, which aims to develop new singing groups that are supported and owned by the community.
The North Leatherhead Singing Surrey choir offers residents regular singing practice and the opportunity to learn different styles of music and gain new singing skills. Sessions will be informal and attendees will rehearse and perform a wide variety of music. The choir is also open to suggestions from members for new music, giving the community the unique chance to choose how their choir develops. No previous experience is needed and all ages are welcome, although children must be accompanied by an adult. 
The Singing Surrey group will be led by Olivia McLennan, a community musician dedicated to empowering and developing the musical skills of others. Olivia studied music at City University and Goldsmiths, University of London and has a wide range of experience developing diverse and exciting community music projects.

As well as encouraging the community to take ownership of their choirs, the county-wide Singing Surrey project aims to develop new singing leaders in Surrey who will support the new singing groups and build new projects for the county in the future.

Research will be undertaken throughout the project that will explore the benefits of singing to a person’s health and wellbeing. This will help to promote the benefits of community choirs, and encourage more people to get involved in Singing Surrey.

Patrick McCord, Partnerships and Development Manager, said: “Singing Surrey offers a high-quality singing experience for residents in North Leatherhead, promoting wellbeing and social inclusion. The health benefits of singing are well documented and I hope that lots of residents will get involved and reap the rewards.”
Singing Surrey takes place every Tuesday evening during term time from 6.30pm - 8.00pm at the Leatherhead Children’s Centre on Aperdele Road, Leatherhead, KT22 7QT, from Tuesday 10 May 2011.