Firstly, can I take this opportunity to wish everyone a happy new year.
I have just received an email from Trading Standards (although it's dated 3rd January), which includes details of a couple of scams going on at the moment, and I have attached a copy to this post for your information.
Trading Standards Report
I would be grateful if you could pass this information onto anyone that you feel would benefit from knowing about this type of thing. If you are aware of any other scams which you feel people would benefit from knowing about please send them onto me and I will send out a generic email to everyone.
Also, with the wet weather we are having at the moment it's possible that shed, or garage doors and windows may have expanded and may not close, or fit properly. Please be aware that burglars do take advantage of open sheds etc., and will steal any items of value. Sheds are also a good option to obtain items such as garden tools to use to break into houses. Please check your outbuildings are secure with a suitable lock, and outside lighting if possible. I am always happy to provide security advice should you feel you need it.
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