1. Apologies for absence.
2. Minutes of the 7th November.
3. Matters arising from Minutes (not covered later in the agenda)
4. Correspondence (None received so far)
5. To receive and consider reports from:
- Environment Subcommittee
- Highways Subcommittee
- Planning Subcommittee: Appeals, Decisions & Current Applications (except Cherkley Court)
- Planning Subcommittee: Cherkley Court Application
- LRA member Kristina Kenworthy: Cherkley Campaign
6. Any Other Business (None received so far)
The formal meeting will be followed by an informal session with mulled wine or soft drink, mince pies and other seasonal nibbles.
(The South Leatherhead Police Panel will be held in the same room earlier in the evening from 6.45 pm to 7.15 pm;
there is no North Leatherhead Police Panel this month)
AOB sent by PM to Secretary