The calls are usually from someone purporting to be from Crime Prevention UK and there is sometimes a suggestion that the company is responding to recent crimes in the area. In particular, the company tends to target elderly and/or vulnerable people. If the offer is accepted the company then progresses to using "hard sell" tactics to get people to sign up to monitoring systems.
Prices quoted vary from "free" to a small selection of addresses as an advertisement for the company to £5000 - £6000 or more. If the system is offered "free", there is still an administration charge.
G! Security is not registered with any of the Security Industry Regulatory organisations. Sometimes they provide a genuine police incident number to give the impression that they are authorised by the local police. This is not the case as police never recommend specific companies as this would be totally unethical.
We would always advise people to research any system requirements for themselves and not respond to cold calling. If a salesperson turns up at an address and refuses to leave at the residents' request, they are committing a criminal offence and police can be contacted.
If you would like totally impartial and free advice about your home security, you can always call 101 and ask to speak with our Crime Reduction Advisor, Mike Bessent. Mike is happy to make home visits by appointment and to give a professionally qualified assessment of security needs that is cost-effective, appropriate and realistic to individual needs.
Thank you and please feel free to pass this information on to your friends, family and neighbours.
Mole Valley Safer Neighbourhood Team
Tel: 101