Tuesday 19 March 2013

Another Great Betrayal?

I have learnt with some alarm that Longshot intend to begin work on the golf course at Cherkley Court on Wednesday, 27th March - the Wednesday of Holy week, often known as "Spy Wednesday" since it recalls Judas beginning his act of betrayal.

It seems an appropriate day for Longshot to begin. They cannot wait for the outcome of the judicial review to see if, in fact, their planning application stands or is quashed. No, they must, it seems, start now.

I understand heavy earth-moving equipment is already waiting on the site. Also, as part of the preparation, the Northern Parkland will be sprayed with herbicide. In 2004 the Northern Parkland became subject of a Countryside Stewardship Scheme Agreement in order to promote biodiversity and was supported by substantial grants of public money.

If Longshot go ahead and eventually the judicial review should quash planning permission, all the money spent on the Northern Parkland will have been wasted and, indeed, any work by the heavy machinery will have caused irremediable damage both to the landscape and to the rich biodiversity of the area. Why cannot Longshot wait? Why are they in such haste to start before the judicial review?

1 comment:

  1. It was a relief to read in the Leatherhead Advertiser that an Court injunction has now been served to stop or at least delay things until the Judicial Review which will decide whether planning permission was lawfully given or not. It was a novelty to have it recorded that Nock kilby could make no comment!
